Protest (Holt)

Words and Music by Warwick Holt

Written January 1994

Sung by Wok.

160kbps MP3 - 12.4Meg
Featuring special guest musicians:
Anthony Macleod of The Ergot Derivative:
Anthony Nelson:

I'd like to raise a little protest
I'd like to raise a rally cry
I'd like to raise a call to arms
If only I knew why
What's the revolution?
Tell me - what's our end?
The answer, they say, is blowing
Blowing in the wind, my friend.

The voice of the people has spoken to me
We've got to smash the state
We'll march until our feet blister
Join us brother, join us sister
We'll make an order great

I need a new slogan to paint on the walls
I need a new catchphrase to chant in the malls
I don't need no rulebook, I don't need no laws
But I need a new slogan - I need a new cause
The voice of my conscience has spoken to me
I wish I'd been born poor
I've felt the suffering of the proles
Felt the torment of their souls
We'll make love into war

I need a new cause
I need a new cause

[Organ solo]

The voice of the new age has spoken to me
Let's overthrow the ruler!
I'm not for talk, I'm into action
I'm aligned with the hippest faction
And now I feel much cooler

I need a new cause
I need a new cause

So, you think you're so cool? Well I've been on twice as many marches as you! I marched against abortion, AND I marched against the Right To Lifers. I marched against Kirner, I'm marching against Kennett, and I'll march against the next Premier, whether it's Uncle Joe Stalin or Mother Fucking Theresa...
But what am I rebelling against?
What am I rebelling against?
What am I rebelling against?
Well what have you fucking got?

[Guitar solo]

[Everything solo]

I need a new cause
I need a new cause

Lyrics © Copyright Warwick Holt 1994

Previous track - Nobodys Baby But Mine
Next track - Some Secret