Everything Happens in the Present Tense (Holt)

Words and Music by Warwick Holt

Vocals: Wok

160kbps MP3 - 6.0Meg
Back on Earth, New Age Prophets accurately foresee Earth's impending doom. Only their obsession with the danger the Human Race presents itself prevents them from descrying the true source of peril.
Trapped in three dimensions with an eye into four
Left to live our crises day by day
What's the benefit of hindsight? The chances of fore?
Don't know what we're doing today

Cut all those threads to the helium balloon
Before you lose the picture for good
Crawl on the Earth before you walk on the Moon
Wear out your pride in your manhood

As everything happens in the present tense
Everybody lost in the present sense
Everyone embarking on their own defense
Everything happens in the present
Memories twirl their glitter and gold
Speculations hold the promise of joy
Any time is better than the one we behold
As we furnish our home to destroy

Yesterday's lesson says tomorrow is brief
Better make the most of it while it lasts
Desensitisation's a form of relief
Choose our futures no more than our pasts

Lyrics © Copyright Warwick Holt 1997

Previous track - Infernal Engine of Prog
Next track - Te'Steaze of Bress (Parts 1 and 2)