Vacant A.D. (0 to 100 to 50 to...)(Evans)

Words and Music by Martin Evans

Written November 1993

Sung by Wok

160kbps MP3 - 3.7Meg
Like most humans, our hero is plagued by indecision and conflicting emotions. Self-obsessed and confused, he is totally unaware of the drama unfolding 30 light years away that will so soon turn his world upside down.
Turn us into a confession box
Hold my hand and you'll feel that it rots
Crossing my heart's just revision
When I know I can avoid the decision

Oh God I'm such a puppy

It's one time when I don't want to be free
But commitment's just another allergy

With you the problem is less than zero
But when I look into her face she's more than my hero
It's a curse and a blessing I avoid the decision
But I'm lying on a slab so you can make the incision

Oh God I'm such a puppy

It's another time I'm soaring on a flight of fancy
Heading towards her but my wings are melting

My faith disintegrates
Makes me love what I know I should hate
It's one time when I don't want to be free
But commitment's just another allergy
It's another time I'm soaring on a flight of fancy
Heading towards her but my wings are melting
0 to 100 to 50 to 0 to 100...

And I'm my father's son

Lyrics © Copyright Martin Evans 1993

Previous track - Presence of the Fish People
Next track - Simple